Monday, 28 November 2011

Q Contents page

Colour: The overall colours are just like the front covers’ red, black, white. This is because these colours are the magazines trademark colours. It also connotes consistency to the audience. The background colour is a mixture of grey and white, this allows the text to be clearly seen and it also links to the colour of the sky in the central image. The colours, white and black are used to complement each other throughout the page, because they are opposite colours they stand out amongst each other. The sub headings are bright red,  this vividly attracts attention to it and is easily read.

Mise en scene: The clothing worn in the main image is  casual  and the clothing colours are bland; black, brown, grey and white. This style and choice of colours connotes to the audience that their image represents their personality and genre of music.  The setting in the main image of the band on a high piece of land might connote to the audience that they are above most people in the music business. The clothing they are wearing would give you the impression that they are a rock/indie band.  In the smaller image there is a man in a suit, this signifies that he is rich and has a smart, fashionable style. To further enhance the idea of him being rich, he is leaning against a massive stone pillar, which you usually see on mansions.

Camerawork: The type of shot that is used in the main image is a long shot from a low angle. This shows the band from head to toe. The angle of the shot may be a low angle so that you are looking up at them. This relates to the audience who are fans of the band, because they may metaphorically look up to them, maybe as role models. Another reason it may be this angled shot, may be because they are a well known, popular band. 
The type of shot in the other image is also a long shot because it shows the man from his head to toes. This shot may have been used to show of part of the setting (the pillar)  to give a hint on the wealth and power the man has.

Typography: The font of the header is easily readable and  its style is big and bold. This conveys  the idea that the content page is not suppose to be ‘in the face’ of the reader.  This style is exhibited throughout all the text on the content page.  Where it mentions the titles for each page number, it is in a much larger font than the information about the page number. This could have been done so that it is clearly seen by the audience so that something may appeal to them.

Layout: The layout of the magazine is very  neat, tidy and well structured, representing organisation, which is quite common on most content pages because it allows the audience to easily see where the parts of the magazine they want to specifically read is, rather than having to scan  through a cluttered, unorganised magazine. The text has been placed in an area where you would usually assume it to be which further implements the idea of  organisation.

Language: The language used in the contents page is quite informal, this may be due to the style of the magazine being based on music. A typical music magazine doesn’t have formal language because the audience is usually young and interested in music not reading lots of formal information. However you may find a more formal magazine, if the genre is classical for example, because they are usually targeted at the older generation. Due to it being a contents page there isn’t a range of language, it is just a basic short phrase written to draw the reader to go the page that stands out to them.

Mode of Address
The tone of this content page is quite posh but it makes you read it in an intrigued tone. This may be due to the bold page headings and the ellipses used on the content page.

In conclusion, this content page has relative content which can relate to the audience’s interests. The design of the magazine has been structured well so that it is clear to the audience where to look for what they are interested in or drawn to. Overall, this content page has succeeded in there aim to provide the audience with the pages that they want.

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