Monday, 28 November 2011

NME content page

The layout of the content page is formulated so that the one main article takes up a much larger space than the rest of the of the page articles. Like most other magazine content pages, it has been structured and arranged so that there isn’t any cluttering or over-lapping. This makes it easier for the audience to see where the section of the magazine they want to look at is.

Mise En Scene
A type of mise-en-scene used in the right side image is the guitar, this signifies to the audience the genre of music in which the band play. In both the images they use a microphone, connoting that they have the  singing role in the band. The clothing worn is by the two men is casual. In the left image, a shirt, scarf and a casual jacket is worn and in the right is a white shirt. This casual wear could be a trademark type of clothing they wear. Also the colour of their clothing might signify their different personalities; black clothing being more mysterious and closed, and the white clothing being more open.

Repetition has been shown for the masthead, because it is the same font style and is placed in the same place as it was on the front cover. The headings implemented on the contents page are much larger than the article text, making it very clear to the audience what the article/page is going to be about. Furthermore, all of the headings are written in block capitals to stand out and indicate automatically to the audience that they are the headings/ sub-headings.

The colours used in the contents page are red, white and black. These are the trademark ‘NME’ colours and are used on nearly every magazine they publish. On the left column they have highlighted the black text white on a red background, giving it a cut-out effect. For the page headings they have highlighted the white text with a black background, enabling the opposite colours to complement each other. These linking colours gain the attention of the audience because they are one of the first things they will see.

The type of language used in the contents page is rather informal, this was most likely written like this so that the audience can relate to it when reading it. Some  exclamation marks have been implemented into the text to give a sense of enthusiasm. Ellipses have been used in the main storyline to a create a pause before the heading is read; making it more dramatic.

The type of shots used in the two images are mid-shots; showing the band members from roughly the waist up. This type of shot allows the audience to see the body language and gather that they are performing by seeing the surroundings. Furthermore, allowing them to see the face and expressions of the men, thusly recognising who they are. In the left image you can see the lighting shining on the shoulder, this connotes to the audience that this photo was taken whilst he was performing on stage.

Mode of Address
The tone of this content page is set so that it makes you read the article in an intrigued and interested way. This is done by included short phrases and sentences which make you read it faster.

Overall this contents page has been arranged so that the main story is in the centre of the page, thusly allowing the audience to be attracted to this over the rest of the story’s. This is done because ‘Oasis’ are an extremely popular and well known band. The content of this page is very formal in comparison to the front cover of the magazine.

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