Sunday, 11 December 2011

Surveymonkey Questionnaire Feedback and Summary.

1.       Are you male or female?

·         83.3 % answered male

·         16.7% answered female

2.       How old are you?

·         100% answered 11-20 years old

3.       What is your favourite genre of music?

·         Indie – 66.7%

·         Rock – 66.7%

·         Reggae – 16.7%

·         Pop – 33.3%

·         Rap/Hip-Hop – 41.7%

·         R&B – 41.7 %

·         Drum & Bass/ Dubstep – 58.3%

·         Country – 16.7%

·         Metal - 25%

·         Jazz/ Blues – 25%

·         House/ Garage – 16.7%

·         Classical – 16.7%

4.       What entices you to read a magazine?

·         ‘Artists!’

·         ‘new artists’

·         ‘Artists’

·         ‘the featured group/artists’

·         ‘Exclusive interviews’

·         ‘bright colours’

·         ‘good colour scheme’

5.       What colours would you like to see on a music magazine?

·         ‘Red, white, black!’

·         ‘red/blue, white, black’

·         ‘Red, white, black’

·         ‘Indigo’

·         ‘yellow and black’

·         ‘Red, blue’

·         ‘red, white, yellow’

·         ‘probably red’

·         ‘turquoise and indigo’

·         ‘gold’

6.       At most, how, much would you pay for a music magazine which interested you?

·         £.0.01- £1.00  = 16.7%

·         £1.01- £2.00 = 50%

·         £2.01- £3.00 = 16.7%

·         £3.01- £4.00 = 25%

·         £4.01- £5.00 = 16.7%

·         £5.01+  = 16.7%

 7.       What music magazines do you read already, if any?

·         ‘NME’

·         ‘NME, Q’

·         ‘NME, Q’

·         ‘A LOT’

·         ‘no’

·         ‘none’

·         ‘NME’

·         ‘NME, Q’

·         ‘I don’t im afraid’

·         ‘none’

·         ‘none’

 8.       If you were making a music magazine, what would you put into it? For example, upcoming events, artists etc.

·         ‘Artists’

·         ‘artists, gig/tour dates’

·         ‘Artists, upcoming gigs’

·         ‘interesting stuff’

·         ‘tour dates, interviews’

·         ‘upcoming concerts and tours’

·         ‘probably upcoming events and artists’

·         ‘quiz’

·         ‘chart updates, interviews and a quiz’

 9.       Do you prefer more images in magazines or more text?

·         Images = 91.7 %

·         Text = 41.7 %

 10.   Would you be interested in hearing about local artists/ bands in a music magazine?

·         Yes = 91.7 %

·         No = 33.3 %

I used ‘Surveymonkey’ to create a questionnaire for my audience research. This questionnaire has helped me to gather the target audience and their views on a music magazine. The first and second question connotes to me that the target audience is mainly boys of the ages 11-20. This allows me to design the magazine to mainly suit boys of this age range. The third question allows the audience to give their favourite genre of music, so that I could choose the highest scoring genre to attract a larger audience. The results showed that ‘Indie’ and ‘Rock’ received the most votes with 66.7% each. I will use this as my music magazine genre because it is most likely to draw the attention of a much bigger audience and be more successful. The fourth question asks what would draw people to read a music magazine. The majority of answers given were ‘artists’, so this will be my main attraction of my music magazine. The fifth question asks what colour theme they would most like to see on a music magazine. The majority of the answers referred to the colours black and white, with a bright colour to mix with them, such as red, blue or yellow. These results will make me use these colours so that the audience are happy with the colour scheme, together with it relating to the genre of music that I am portraying in my music magazine. The sixth question asked for the price in which people are willing to pay for a music magazine. The price range which was most popular to the audience is ‘£1.01- £2.00’, so this is how much my magazine will roughly cost. The seventh question asked what magazines they already read. Most of the answers were the magazines ‘NME’ and ‘Q’. These results will allow me to have a similar style to these magazines, thusly fulfilling the audience’s interests. The eighth question asks what the audience would like to see in the music magazine. The results included artists, gig/tour dates, interviews, chart updates and quizzes. I will include these in my magazine so that the audience has what they would like to see in my music magazine. The ninth question asked whether they would like to see more images or more text in the magazine. The majority of vote’s show that mostly images is the favourite. This will make me structure my magazine so that there are a lot of images in my magazine, as well as text. The final question asks whether they would be interested in local artists and band in the magazine. The results show that most people would be interested, so I will include this in my magazine. In conclusion, the questionnaire has been successful because it gives me a general idea of what to include in the magazine, how to structure/organise the magazine and what audience I should be aiming to buy my magazine.

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